Frequently Asked Questions

On this part of the website, you can find the answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Please don’t hesitate to send more our way if there is something you can’t find an answer to.

Application / Usage?

Is Tri-Pak:s fuel additive safe for usage in all vehicles?

Yes, Tri-Pak Petrol Booster is safe to use for all petrol and ethanol powered machines and the Diesel Booster is safe to use in all diesel-powered machines.

How much should I add the first time of use?

For regular use you add 60 ml per 50 litres of fuel. On the side of the bottle, you have a scale for dosage.

You will get the quickest and best effect if you use half a bottle for a full tank, the second time you fill up you use double dose (two scalebars) and the third time and forever on you use one scale bar. This is because there are some parts of the additives that builds up over time and to achieve this as soon as possible you need to kick-start the usage of the boosters.

Is it possible to use Tri-Pak Diesel Booster with HVO-diesel/Bio-diesel?

Yes, we even recommend it. Tri-Pak Diesel Booster stabilizes and increases the energy content. In addition to this Tri-Pak Diesel booster counteracts and prevents common problems with the HVO-and Bio-diesel.

Is it possible to use Tri-Pak:s Petrol booster with e10 fuel?

Yes, back in Sweden the state forced the petrol stations to sell e10 fuel back in august 2020. Tri-Pak petrol booster counteracts and prevents the negative effects that an increased mixture of ethanol fuel in petrol such as dry-rodding hoses and o-rings, decreased lubrication, lower energy content and accelerated degradation of the fuel when stored.
So yes, Tri-Pak petrol booster is the answer to E10 fuel.

Dosage of the additives from Tri-Pak?

How should I dose Tri-Pak additives?

There are a lot of areas of use when it comes to Tri-Pak additives. By choosing area of use in the picture below you can see the adequate dosage.

How should I dose Tri-Pak in my motorbike?

If you want to use the “everyday-dose” which is recommended on the bottle you should add 28 ml of additive to every 20 litres, with that usage a 500 ml bottle will be sufficient for 18 tanks full of petrol.

Remember that a stronger dose of Tri-Pak is not only harmless but useful! As a matter of fact a lot of competitive riders has started to use Tri-Pak Race-dosage as an insurance for the new E10 fuels and to ensure a high octane rating for the fuel their pearl drinks.

Does Tri-Pak Petrol booster work with two-stroke engines?

Yes definitely! Works great with a two-stroke engine, you will notice that it smells less and will run smoother. Continue the usage of two-stroke oil.

I’m using It for my old v8, how should I dose? Do I need to use other octane-boosters or leadsubstitutes?

Dosage according to the instructions and scalebars on the bottle. 1 bottle is sufficient for 350 litres of fuel. It definitely works with an older v8 (or any older engine) and yes, you can stop using other additives. Tri-Pak is the only additive needed.


How much higher octane-rating will I get?

It depends on the dosage, in everyday use it’s a marginal octane boost, and with race-dosage it is up to 4 units.
The additive gives in everyday use-dosage the same effects as a higher octane rating would have on your fuel system and engine like: lubricating, cleaning, lowered exhaust temperatures and so on.

In what way is Tri-Pak Additives lubricating?

Tri-Pak is mixture made up by different active and passive substances. These lubricates the whole fuels system, all the way from the fuel pump throughout the fuel lines and injectors and from there on down to the valve seats. In addition to this Tri-Pak prolongs the life of your gaskets, O-rings and rubber hoses by lubricating them.
The lubrication prevents a lot of fuel related problems and especially a lot of the consequences created by the increased mixture of renewable fuels such as E10 among others.

How much longer will the fuel be of good quality with your additives?

Diesel and petrol differs from each other of course, in addition to that the quality varies a lot well at the fuel-pump. Usually you say that fuel will keep its quality about 3 months.

Using Tri-Pak additives you can expect to double the time with sustained quality.

For storage we recommend a double-dose of additive. Make sure to let the double-dosed fuel run through the whole system for best effect.

I’m having problems with my diesel particulate filter, can Tri-Pak be helpFul?

Yes of course, to start with Tri-Paks Diesel booster maintains your diesel particulate filter and makes sure that It works properly to prevent it getting clogged up. If the damage already is done and your car lights up the service dpf light or in other ways tells you your DPF is clogged the additive can still save you! Just follow these steps:

Dose half a bottle (250 ml) for 50-60 litres o fuel.

Make sure the engine is up to working temperatures.

Find a bigger road with easy traffic, for example a highway.

Choose a gear that makes sure you can maintain 3000 rpm in a speed above 70 km/h.

Keep the throttle steady or use cruise control. Keep it steady at 3000 rpm för about 15 minutes.

Repeat one more time if needed.

Will Tri-Pak lower my consumption?

Many of our users report a reduced consumption of fuel and many tests throughout the years has shown a reduced consumption by a few percentages.

However, we choose to rather speak of the fuel related problems that we prevent and counteract because the maintenance cost or the cost of replacing a bad injector, fuel pump or particulate filter is much greater than saving a few drops of fuel every now and then. We also lower the emissions from your car and that is good for the environment on it´s own.

Will Tri-Pak increase my power output?

Yes, Tri-Pak boosts your fuels octane rating and optimizes it. When dosed for racing-use (60 ml additive per 10 litres of fuel) the octane rating on 95 (RON) Octane petrol will increase by 4 units. In addition to the octane boost Tri-Pak allows higher power output because of more effective combustion, lowered exhaust temperature and prevention of pinging.

How does Tri-Pak Optimize?

Among other things boosts your octane/cetane rating, lowers your exhaust temperatures, lubricates, cleans, reduces the risk of ice packs, prevents growth of algae’s and stabilizes and doubles the lifetime of the fuel.

Our idea is to make sure you are covered where the commercial fuel comes at shortage. With Tri-Pak you always have optimal fuel for your machine!

Does Tri-Pak lower my emissions?

Yes by optimizing your fuel and making the combustion more complete your engine will emit less unburned fuel, soot particles and it will lower the overall emissions of the engine.

This will ease the wear and tear on your exhaust emission control system like catalytic converter and diesel particulate filter (DPF).

TRI-PAK® Fuel Additive ”Petrol booster”

Since 1984 – Industry leading and complete gasoline additive.

Tri-Pak:s fuel additive stabilizes the fuel and increases the octane. Increases the performance of your engine due to octane boosting effects and contributes to better lubrication in your fuel system. The “Petrol booster” also cleans your fuel system from the fuel tank to the injectors, throughout the valves and the combustion chamber and finally your exhaust system. The Tri-Pak “Petrol booster” increases the efficiency of your engine and minimizes your emissions by more complete combustion.

Tri-Pak:s fuel additive serves as a lead substitute and carburettor protector and also prevents ice packs. One bottle will last for 350 litres of fuel and improves all petrol- and ethanol-based fuels. Can be used as a stabilizer to prevent fuel degradation when stored.
Tri-Pak is made with precision in Dalarna, Sweden since 1984.

TRI-PAK® Fuel Additive ”Diesel booster”

Since 1984 – Industry leading and complete diesel additive.

Tri-Pak:s fuel additive stabilizes the fuel and increases the cetane. Increases the performance of your engine due to cetane boosting effects and contributes to better lubrication in your fuel system. The “Diesel booster” also cleans your fuel system from the fuel tank to the injectors, throughout the valves and the combustion chamber and finally your exhaust system. The Tri-Pak “Diesel booster” increases the efficiency of your engine and minimizes your emissions by more complete combustion. This increases the lifespan of your EGR-system and reduces the risk of of your diesel particulate filter (DPF) getting clogged up.

Tri-Pak:s diesel additive prevents common problems like algae formation, paraffinization and ice packs. One bottle will last for 350 litres of fuel and improves all diesel fuels. Can be used as a stabilizer to prevent fuel degradation when stored. Tri-Pak is made with precision in Dalarna, Sweden since 1984.


TRI-PAK® is manufactured with precision in Dalarna, Sweden since 1984.

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No question is too small or too stupid, we are here for you. Hopefully you can find the answer to your question on the
FAQ page (Frequently Asked Questions). Otherwise send us a quick message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.